Friday, June 11, 2010

Wonderful Husband!

SO I have the most wonderful husband in the world. I told him this year that he needed to plan our 5th year anniversary, and I told it would be wise if we celebrated early while we are here in Utah so we have babysitters. Today he planned a trip to Salt Lake City and didn't tell me where we were going, our destination was a big music/instrument store. He had done his homework and found this place, made an appointment with a lady there for me to come in and get a new violin. I have had my other one since I was eleven, and really needed a better quality one. I have also been wanting to pick back up on this talent so I won't lose it. The lady was very nice she gave us our own little room for me to test like 7 violins, and Brian sat there and listened to me play, which I might say I am kind of rusty, and he would tell me his opinion. He was really excited for me and really helpful. I ended up getting a beautiful violin and picked out a bunch of music to work on. I am so thankful for a loving, supporting, caring, and thoughtful husband! Thanks for the most wonderful 5 years!!!


Unknown said...

Thats so sweet!!! I didn't know you played! Hope everything is going good!

Tori said...

Bryan is so creative and thoughtful! Plus, he's crazy about you! Congratulations on 5 years- you guys are so sweet together.